
Friday, 22 April 2011

Gratitude A - Z: S

Sister - I love my Sister, we had our ups and downs in childhood, but I cant imagine not seeing or knowing about her. Life has scattered us in different places, but in our global village, we are as close to each other as can be.
I send my love over to you, wish you and your family nothing but the best! I wasn't aware of this before, I'm even thankful for this enlightment,  but I really don't know who would I be without her. I would probably be a totally different person... Thank you for your love, your patience, the world you have shown me, the real and skype-hugs :) I miss you so much, and I love you! Don't ever doubt that, although you know best that I can be a pain in the.... ehem.... :) Thank you for being there!

Sight - Thank you for the wonderful gift of sight! I cannot imagine not seeing all that is around me at the moment, all the wonderful colours, people, places. I do wear glasses, and I have worn them for so long I don't consider them an obstacle. Thank you for this wonderful ability to see anything and everything :) I am eternally grateful!

Smile - Thank you for the ability to smile, to acknowledge what good happens around me and share a smile with the world! How lovely is it to have a free, happy soul :) Thank you for making my life relatively easy, all the lessons learned, all the hardships.... I can look back with gratitude and smile toward the future :) Thank you! A sincere smile shared with a stranger is just priceless :)

There are many more "S" words, the list is endless, I just picked a few. Thank you for the time YOU spend here, and I hope you can relate, and feel my gratitude :)

Thank you!



  1. Having only 4 older brothers I always wondered what it would have been like to have a sister. Guess I won't find out either, haha.

  2. Just have a brother!
    And as much as I love music, sight is far more important.

  3. Love your take on the A to Z Challenge - gratitude is a favorite subject of mine too. Sisters - I'm an only child, but I have two daughters and I am glad for their sweet sisterhood.
    I love sight, and I love smiles.

  4. Oh yes, I can relate most of the time!! I don't have a sister though, so not quite with this one. And yep, there are lots of words to be thankful for that start with S!!

  5. Ahhh, love the blurb about sisters...I adore my sister AND my sorority sisters which I did my post on today for the challenge! It's great to be surrounded by ones who love us regardless, huh?
    I totally agree with the Dad was blind and I just couldn't's actually a fear I have!
