
Monday, 11 April 2011

Gratitude A - Z: I

Imagination - Thank you for the very busy imagination that I have :) It really gets me going. I love that I can see a lot of things on my mind's eye! I love all the positive things that are created in my mind! :)

Ideas - I love that I can come up with so many things, and have the will to follow up on them! Thank you that all these things come to me so often!

Individuality - Thank you for the fact that I am ME! I am different than most of the people I know, and that is what makes me great! I love being an individual!

Inspiration - I am grateful for all the inspiration that I find all around me! I'm happy that I can feel inspired by so many things, events and words.

Intuition - Thank you for my intuition, my sixth sense, and that it helps me be who I am, helps me move in the right direction! Thank you for the inside me (my soul?) that shows me what to watch for, and looks after me when I need it!

Thank you!



  1. I love that you imagine all positive things. It's a great way to be :)

  2. I am grateful for this lovely post! :)

  3. I visit your blog each time to get my dose of positive thinking and gratitude...thankyou!!

  4. I like how you mentioned inviduality as well - just what I was writing about! :)
    - andrea

  5. PS: your blog layout is really similar to mine. Love coincidences! :)
    - andrea

  6. Incoming comment - Loved your post. Happy Monday.

  7. Thanks for stopping by to say hi the other day. I'm glad I found your site. I need little reminders to be grateful.

  8. I is a fab letter, I love the things you came up with!

  9. Wonderful I words. So many.

  10. No indifference here on I words! These are some awesome words you've shared with us! Hopefully you're enjoying the A-Z Challenge!

  11. Sweet gratitude post on things that begin with I.

  12. Hi Barbara .. love the "I"s .. a really good selection to remind us of the variety of our language .. thank you - Hilary

  13. I am definitely grateful for stopping by today - your words association are always well chosen and make us think at the same time at all things that we are grateful for.
